The answer is yes and no. It all depends on what you mean by this.

It is really possible to memorize several hundred words in a day. For example, if you use english to italian translation.
For this, mnemonics are used. Personally, I managed to memorize 200 words a day, and this is not the limit. But the problem is that such words are not stored in memory for long, and after such memorization they are not entirely suitable for use.

Words are retained in memory for a short time due to natural processes. It is possible to keep them in memory only through regular repetition. With a one-time memorization, you can repeat it according to the scheme in an hour, in a day, in a week, in a month, in a year. But if you memorize words every day, you will have to repeat them much more often because of the monotony and volume of the perceived information. As a result, with the daily memorization of several hundred words a day, the number of units for repetition increases like a snowball, and on one of the gloomy days it is necessary to reduce the volume of memorized words, because there is neither time nor energy for this. If you do not repeat the memorized words, then it is like walking on water with a leaky bucket.

The words that you memorize with the help of mnemonics are also unsuitable for natural use. Naturalness is when you remember a word quickly and involuntarily, and you cannot realize how it happens. In the case of mnemonics, you remember a word consciously, restoring the ligaments that you used when memorizing. It takes time – from a few seconds to fractions of a second, depending on the situation. As a result, such a word makes you stumble, be it reading, talking or listening. Naturalness is developed, again, as a result of the regular repetition of words. Therefore, the word that you memorize with the help of mnemonics becomes full only after several repetitions, and not on the same day.

The conclusion from the above is the following: you can memorize several hundred words in one day and amaze with this the imagination of family and friends, but without subsequent repetitions, this is just a trick. If you want to memorize words regularly, find the number of words with which you can master the repetition process.

What other ways are there to quickly memorize foreign words?

Methods of cards, juxtaposition, and choice of options I would rather refer to methods of effective repetition. It is possible to quickly memorize with the help of these methods those who, realizing it or not, use the techniques of mnemonics.

I can’t help but throw a stone towards the 25th frame. Today, perhaps the lazy will not do it, but nevertheless. In my opinion, the 25th frame cannot work as its propagandists promise, for the following reasons:

1. What goes into the subconscious, bypassing consciousness, usually remains there. You will not be aware of this information. To extract it, you need to be immersed in a trance. It is more logical to use the 25th frame to issue commands that a person will execute as his own will. In this sense, the 25th frame is also unsafe, because in the sequence of flickering words, something like getting very sick can slip through, and this can affect the state of health.

2. Your subconscious mind treats new unknown words with the same bewilderment as your consciousness, and the rapid blinking of unknown words is for it bewilderment raised to a power. In addition, the subconscious is not involved in the case only when it is winked at a rate of 25 frames per second. It is always in action, and it is more pleasant for him if you cooperate with him intelligently.

The only use I’ve seen of frame 25 is in overdrive word repetition. Not wanting to rely on assumptions, I conducted an experiment. I chose 40 unknown words that I quickly memorized and then repeated for a week. Moreover, the first 20 I repeated only with the 25th frame, and the rest – with ordinary recollection. The number of repetitions and the time spent on this, I sustained equal. As a result, after a week I easily recalled all the words that I repeated in the usual way, and with difficulty I was able to remember 5 words from those that I repeated with the 25th frame.

So the effect of the 25th frame in learning a foreign language is just a placebo, i.e. it does not possess the properties attributed to it, but is calculated solely on your faith, which in some cases can give a positive result.