For a translator who performs technical translation of documents and use english to russian translation, it is not enough to have linguistic skills and knowledge of the culture of other countries in his luggage. Such a specialist should have experience in the technical field or have highly specialized knowledge in a particular field.

In the course of his work, a technical translation specialist encounters a large number of pitfalls. Which ones exactly? Let’s find out in our

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Adaptation. In the translation of technical texts, a number of difficulties arise due to the fact that there are special standards, technical formulations that may not have an equivalent in the country of the target language. In this case, before issuing the finished text to the “local” customer, the translator decides whether to translate this information or provide a detailed explanation of the accepted standards.

Terms. In each individual case, the translator, first of all, focuses on the customer, and on the information that was provided. Any company and enterprise may have a pre-established terminology. If such information was not provided, then the technical translator decides to select terms independently, relying on his own experience.

General style. Depending on the culture and the prevailing mentality of the country, technical translation can have its own manner of presentation. For example, technical texts in English are addressed to the author in a more personal manner, which is not at all typical of texts in the CIS countries and Germany, where instructions and manuals are presented in a clear and formal form. Therefore, the translation from English into Russian at the output is obtained in a version adapted to our “style”.